Protecting products and samples and meeting compliance requirements is critical to efficient healthcare operations.
The AQ Box allows you to monitor a wide range of units from anywhere, 24/7, without ever having to manage a server.
It is an online temperature monitoring and alerting device that automatically records and sends temperature data to the cloud for easy viewing and reporting via a portal. You can log in with your unique username and password to easily view and download or print reports within your nominated date ranges. Reports available also include the duration of any possible temperature breaches.
Dual Temperature Probes
The AQ Box is unlike other monitoring devices on the market which measure the cabinet temperature only. The AQ Box is uniquely equipped with two temperature probes providing accurate measurements of both the cabinet temperature and a simulated product temperature.
The AQ Box ensures that expensive vaccines and valuable samples are protected, your data is secure and that you are meeting the national Australian Government Department of Health’s ‘Strive for 5’ guidelines.