Service & Repairs

Receive Active On-Site Support

With one of the largest service networks nationally, Avem Quirks directly employs over 85 qualified service technicians, supported by 350 contractors - all with experience in the mechanical processing of equipment including:

- Refrigeration
- Air Conditioning and Heating
- Full Commercial Shop and Processing Equipment
- Beer and Beverage Systems

Our clients rely on our expertise, training, and the efficiency of our service technicians and customer care representatives to maintain their equipment in the best working order. We take great pride in the quality of our service personnel and our ability to provide service and support in remote locations. All service technicians employed by Avem Quirks hold the following licenses and accreditation:

- Electrotechnology trade qualified (in Refrigeration / Air conditioning)
- Refrigerant Handling Licence from the Australian Refrigeration Council (to use refrigerant gases)
- Department of Fair Trading Supervisor or Contractor Licence
- Workplace Clearance Group (WPCG) accreditation to self issue a WPCG form when conducting low risk work on oil company sites

In addition, all Avem Quirks service vehicles have satellite vehicle tracking installed. This allows us to manage response times by identifying the nearest technicians to your site, as needed. We also hold all the spare parts required for our equipment across 15 sites nationally. As a result, we can confidently commit to delivering high quality service and support in more locations, more responsively than any other provider.

Services benefits
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